Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Weekend of 2009

The boys and I had a good time this weekend. Not only did we have a blast ice skating at my good friend daughter Isabella's sixth birthday party, but I also got to spend some quality time with Ethan hangin at my favorite all you can eat sushi joint and watching the Chargers kick some Colts bootie!
The ice skating was good ol' wholesome family fun. I wasn't going to attempt skating at last memories of ice skating involve me and a wall. But when I saw Bren out there without me, hangin on to the wall, I just had to go. I am so glad I did! The freezing, not-so-fun party turned into a blast for me and the boys. Brenden has already asked to go again.

After skating, we dropped Brennie at his dad's because he didn't want to go with us to sushi. That time spent at dinner with Ethan, Kel and our friend La Nitta was one of a few times recently where Ethan just seemed so grown up. He will be 10 soon and he is definitely his own little person. He hung out with us just like one of the pals and had all you can eat sushi and coke. I didn't have to ask him to behave, I didn't have to give him any looks about manners, we just had a great time eating together. And he ate EVERYTHING we ate - green muscles, all the raw fish, wasabi and ginger. It was truly a special dinner just because I can see the relationship between me and my son evolving and it feels wonderful!! We even had time for a brief photo shoot. ;)