Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was spent as usual with our close family and it was a lot of fun, but what I want to write about here is a Mother's Day "event" that my youngest son's teacher put on for all of the mothers in the class. We had to RSVP for the event and every mother attended. It was in the classroom, on the Friday before Mother's Day, for about 2 hours. The event was about spending some fun, quality time one on one. She had four stations set up, which we rotated to about every 15 minutes. We had block time, computer time, a station where we cut out and glued a very cute yellow flower together, and then a cooking station where we cut up and used apples, bananas, strawberries, grapes and mandarin oranges to create a "flower" on our plate before eating it together. (That was my favorite station). Then after all of that we got to enjoy cookies and a little performance put on by the kids in which they read sentences they had written about us, and poems that they learned about mothers. It was just so special, and so much fun! One of Brenden's sentences about me was that I clean his room! :)

Yes, the front of the book there says "I love you Mom," and he drew a picture of me. :) (my heart is melting again!...)

I hate socks!

I'm sure any moms of boys (and maybe girls), and even wives can relate to this: I HATE SOCKS! I hate socks so much that when I was a member of, I included that tidbit of information on my profile! Not only do I dislike wearing socks unless I HAVE to run or if I wanna wear my chucks, but I HATE laundering them and finding their match and putting them away! When I was married, I was "instructed" not to fold one sock over the other because it would "stretch them out," so I got into a habit of just putting the socks in the drawer, with no mate! As my kids got older, they started to express their utter loathing of having to find a matching pair themselves and would actually be a little peeved if they had to! So, now, my fate is to sort through this giant pile and find matchies. And it's not even that simple. To top it off, the socks are not the same size! So, not only are they different styles and brands but they are different sizes too! UGH! You might say that I should throw 'em all out and start over with only one brand and style to make it easier. Well let me just say that I have tried that and it just doesn't work in the long run.
So there you have it. I hate socks!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Backwards Street Signs after Baseball

We all went to a baseball game tonight and it was so much fun!! We ate all kinds of junk food, and got to parade around the field before the game! Woohoo!
It was such a blast too to read the street signs backwards when you are driving home from a minor league baseball game with your boys and your sis and practical bro in law! Especially for your ten year old! :) Thanks go to Greg for getting the ball rolling on that fun game! or should I say "no taht nuf emag!"

Now I have to sleep like the rest of 'em!