Today Brenden finished his second round of 5 happy notes!! Each time he accumulates 5 he gets a treat. He has been doing so well...I told him I am "over the moon" proud of him. I am also sooo proud of Ethan who brought home his progress report with shooting stars all over it. Not literally, but his teacher noted his EXCELLENT classroom behavior and AWESOME test scores! So, we took a trip to Target and personally, I really really wanted Legos. I wanted us to build something cool together. But surprisingly, they didn't want Legos. They wanted a ramp for their Tech Decks (and 4 more Tech Decks). So, what they wanted is what they gotted. :)
I ventured to the Lego isle though and I was shocked at how expensive they are! It was $40 bucks for a plain box of 'em! And some of the "special" boxes were like twice that!
Oh well, they are happy.

BTW, Ethan cut his finger today with the new pocket knife my dad bought him. He asked me to put that in this blog. ;)
WTF are Tech decks??? LOL, you can tell I am OLD and CHILDLESS...LOL
P.S. I love and Garrett used to always play with them!!!
LOL!! Tech decks are little tiny skateboards. Weird. I know, I LOVE Legos too!! I wanted the boys to want them sooo bad! I should have just bought them for myself! Every time we went to my Grandma Doris's house as kids we would head straight for the hall cabinet that held the Legos!! :)
holy crud i just got a comment saying that i love you and can you get me a soda and a dinner but it was from bren and ethan so i laughed i cant belived they pulled a joke on me lol brb
see u later by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, Ethan posted that comment above. Everyone knows I would not spell bye wrong! Hehe. I am not sure what it means...oh well!
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